Fondation de la Visite

Client : Atelier Habitation Montréal
Completion Date : 2023


Momentum was commissioned by Atelier Habitation Montréal to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed redevelopment project for the Fondation de la Visite building.
The objective of the project was to conduct a parking study around the Fondation de la Visite building to determine the feasibility of adding new users, in relation to the current occupancy of on-street parking. Located in a low-traffic residential area, the City wanted to ensure that expanding the office space would not generate significant additional vehicular flows.

Momentum conducted an on-street parking survey within a 200-meter radius of the project. The analysis then estimated the additional vehicles the project might bring during different use periods, revealing no significant impact. Moreover, the study proposed sustainable mobility solutions to reduce car dependency, such as the implementation of bicycle parking and the promotion of public transport and car-sharing.

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Issues Resolution

A parking study was conducted to address the district’s request and facilitate the planning permit process.

Efficient Operations

The results of this study validated the redevelopment project for the Fondation de la Visite building.